I want to inform you that the deadline to apply for courses (for term A and B) will soon run out. But since we have still free places in all courses we extended the deadline for TERM A and B: on May, 15-to apply for courses and to apply for financial aid.
I would like to express my honest thanks for all your promotion that you did among students. But since we have still free places in each course I am kindly asking you to distribute Summer School 2008 within your university as much as it is possible.
Please inform students that they can apply for financial aid (for tuition fee and accommodation)- we offer 100 grants for tuition fee and 50 for accommodation.
We will also help them in arrival procedure.
Application forms are available online on
Students can return completed application forms on
We are looking forward to join students from different cultures, religions, countries.
We are convinced that Euro-Mediterranean Summer School will be good experience for all students.
...Thank you for your promotion of Summer School. I am at your disposal if you need further information.
Best regards,
Anica Novak